Alphabetical Yoga Poses Index
This page includes two alphabetical indexes.
The first one includes text links.
The second includes photos of the poses and links.
Use section titles to return to the TOC.
This page includes two alphabetical indexes.
The first one includes text links.
The second includes photos of the poses and links.
Use section titles to return to the TOC.
Yoga Pose Basics | Poses by Category | Sequencing and Sequences | Ashtanga Yoga Poses
Alphabetical index for text links
Alphabetical index for photo links
Stretches for your your inner thighs
Backbending at the Hips, Lumbar and/or Thoracic Spine
Try relaxing your shoulder until you straighten your leg.
Use your shoulders to push your ribcage backwards and upwards.
The hard part is getting binding arms and legs. So you may find it helps to practice them separately.
Try picking a balance point just in-front of your elbows (towards the hands).
This hip stretch targets the glutes. Note the position of the shoulder relative to the foot.
Focus on feeling your foot to help stay balanced.
Try stabilizing both knees while pulling your chest towards your thigh.
One way to work towards kneeling on both knees is to practice one leg at a time.
One option for locust pose is to lift the legs first (activate the knees), then lift the torso.
To get your feet off of the floor shift your weight forwards.
The first step after exhaling all of your air is to pull your ribcage up, away from your pelvis.
To lift the hip focus on pressing down with the front knee.
For reclining quad stretches you may find it helps to press the bottom foot into the floor.
Try activating the front and back of the thighs before lifting the hips.
Practice shoulder activation by doing this pose with knees bent first.
Use this as a preparation (or substitute) for tree pose.
Legs strong, press feet down, pull hips forwards.
Learn to use your legs to push your hips up.