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Anatomy, Proprioception, Pain, and Posture

An index of all anatomy, proprioception, pain, and posture related articles.
Sacrotuberous Ligament Pain, Dealing With Sitting Bone And Sacrotuberous Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

This index focuses on articles related to anatomy, proprioception, pain and posture. Anatomy that is dealt with here is the anatomy of our locomotor and manipulation systems, the anatomy we use to move our body, control it and enjoy it.

So, our muscles, bones, connective tissue and joints.

While names of these structures are important for finding out about them, the focus in these articles is, where possible, directly experiencing them in our own body.

This is where proprioception comes in. Closely related to proprioception is muscle control. We need muscle control for proprioception, and we need proprioception for muscle control.

Where anatomy provides a theoretical framework, we boost our understanding of our own body via directly experiencing it.

Apart from improving our ability to be in our body (thus reducing stress by being present), using it more efficiently and effectively, two other reasons for learning anatomy and proprioception is to deal with pain (where produced by poor function) and poor posture.

Hyperlinked section titles link back to the table of contents.

Sensational Anatomy, Yoga Anatomy You Can Feel And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sensational Anatomy

How To Know If Your Joints Are Lubricated
How Pain And Proprioception Helps Keep Your Joints Safe

Muscle Control For Proprioception, If We Didn'T Have Muscles We Wouldn'T Be Able To Feel Our Body, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Muscle Control For Proprioception

How Muscles And Joints Work Together, How Muscles And Joints Protect Each Other, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

How Muscles And Joints Work Together

The Foot, Foot, Ankle And Shin Anatomy And Biomechanics, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Foot

Barefoot Running Heel Strike, Good Or Bad?
Is Heel Striking Bad For Your Knees When Running Barefoot?

Tibialis Posterior, Lifting The Arch Of The Foot Or Turning Soles Of The Feet Inwards, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Tibialis Posterior

Peroneus Longus, Helping To Anchor The Fibula And Shape The Foot, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Peroneus Longus

Peroneus Brevis, Anchoring The Fibula Or Stabilizing The Outer Arch Of The Foot, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Peroneus Brevis

Tibialis Anterior, Rotating The Shin Relative To The Foot (Or Stabilizing It), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Tibialis Anterior

Controlling And Stabilizing The Knees, Understanding Your Knees So That You Can Feel Them, Stabilize Them And Control Them, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Controlling And Stabilizing The Knees

Knee Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Controlling (And Stabilizing Against) Knee Rotation, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Knee Anatomy For Yoga Teachers

Knee Rotation, And It's Affect On The Foot, Knee And Hip With Knee Bent And Straight, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Knee Rotation

Knee Joint Stability, Controlling Knee Bend And Shin Rotation (Relative To The Thigh), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Knee Joint Stability

Knee Pain And Other Knee Problems, Why It Can Start Start With Your Abs (Transverse Abdominis), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Knee Pain And Other Knee Problems

The Popliteus, A Small Muscle That Can Help Stabilize The Knee Against Rotation, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Popliteus

Vastus Muscles, Knee Extensors And Tensioning Devices For The Overlying Hip Flexors, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Vastus Muscles

Vastus Intermedius, Preventing Knee Pain, A Key Element In The Force Transmission Architecture Of The Quadriceps Tendon, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Vastus Intermedius, Preventing Knee Pain

How To Activate Your Quads, And Why They Aren'T Activating In The First Place, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

How To Activate Your Quads

The Long Head Of The Adductor Magnus, Your Backbending Friend, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Long Head Of The Adductor Magnus

Adductor Magnus Long Head, Helping To Stabilize The Hip Bone Relative To The Femur, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Adductor Magnus Long Head

Medial Collateral Ligament Pain, Using Muscle Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Medial Collateral Ligament Pain

The Sartorius, Knee Stability While Standing, Walking Or Running, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Sartorius

Sartorius And Inner Knee Pain While Running, , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sartorius And Inner Knee Pain While Running

The Long Hip Muscles, Improve Hip Control And Shin Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Long Hip Muscles

Long Hip Flexor Muscles, Take Out The Slack For More Effective Forward Bending, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Long Hip Flexor Muscles

It Band Anatomy And Bio Mechanics, Helping To Control The Hip Or Helping To Control Knee Rotation, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

It Band Anatomy And Bio-Mechanics

It Band Knee Pain (Outer Knee Pain), Heel Stabilization For It Band Knee Pain While Squatting , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

It Band Knee Pain (Outer Knee Pain)

The Hamstrings, Understanding How To Use Them Effectively, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Hamstrings

Glute And Hamstring Anatomy For Yoga, Yoga Anatomy For Back Bending And Forward Bending The Hips, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Glute And Hamstring Anatomy For Yoga

Hamstring Strength Exercises, Strengthen Hamstrings (And Glutes) With Hips Extended Or Flexed, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hamstring Strength Exercises

Hamstring Stretches, For Working Towards Front To Back Splits, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hamstring Stretches

Hamstring Stretching Yoga Poses, With Suggestions For Improving Hamstring Flexibility, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hamstring Stretching Yoga Poses

How Do You Improve Hamstring Flexibility, Muscle Control You Can Use While Stretching Your Hamstrings, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

How Do You Improve Hamstring Flexibility

Learn To Feel And Control Your Hamstrings, Improve Posture, Breath Control, Ribcage Control, With A Taste Of Controlling Your Hip Bones, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Learn To Feel And Control Your Hamstrings

Leg Lifted Seated Hamstring Stretch, Aka: Modified Heron Pose, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Leg Lifted Seated Hamstring Stretch

Simple Hamstrings Stretching Postures, Using Props In Different Ways To Stretch Your Hamstrings, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Simple Hamstrings Stretching Postures

Biceps Femoris, Outer Hamstring Pain, Alleviating Hamstring Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Biceps Femoris, Outer Hamstring Pain

Hip Joint Stability And Control, Understanding The Hip Joint So You Can Feel It, Control It And Use It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Stability And Control

Hip Joint Anatomy, Muscle Groupings That Can Help Keep The Hip Hip Joint Centered, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Anatomy

Your Hip Joint Suspension System, Why It's Important, And Learning To Activate It At Will, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Your Hip Joint Suspension System

Hip Joint Bicycle Wheel, Keeping The Hub Of The Hip Joint Centered, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Bicycle Wheel

Hip Joint Stability, Anatomy For Stabilizing, Creating Space (And Relaxing) The Hip Joint, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Stability

Hip Joint Pain, Three Simple Actions For Alleviating Hip Joint Pain While Doing Yoga , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Pain

Anterior Hip Pain, Dealing With Hip Pain That Occurs Near The Asic, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Anterior Hip Pain

The Hip Crease, A Proprioceptive Reference For Better Hip Awareness And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Hip Crease

Hip Crease Opening: Bound Angle, Hip Crease Closing: Wide Leg Seated Forward Bend, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Crease Opening: Bound Angle

Gluteus Maximus Anatomy, Back Bending  The Hip,  Using It To Help Stretch The Psoas, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Gluteus Maximus Anatomy

Gluteus Maximus, Cocontracting With Iliacus And The Obturators For Hip And Si Joint Stability, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Gluteus Maximus

Adductors And Inner Thigh Muscles, Helping To Control Hip Adduction, Flexion, Extension And Rotation, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Adductors And Inner Thigh Muscles

The Single Joint Hip Flexors, A Look At The Hip Flexors That Work Solely On The Hip Joint, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Single Joint Hip Flexors

Obturator Externus, Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Obturator Externus

Obturator Internus, Hip Joint Stability For Increased Mobility And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Obturator Internus

The Sacroiliac Joints, Alleviating Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Sacroiliac Joints

Si Joint Stability While Forward Bending, Sacrotuberous Tensioning To Resist Sij Shear In Forward Bends, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Si Joint Stability While Forward Bending

Sacroiliac Joint Exercises, Feeling And Controlling Nutation And Counter Nutation, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sacroiliac Joint Exercises

Why Do We Have Si Joints?, So We Can Do Movements Like The Splits..., Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Why Do We Have Si Joints?

Dual Si Joint Stabilization, In Spinal Forward Bends And Spinal Backbends, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Dual Si Joint Stabilization

Si Joint Stability In Marichyasana, And Other Seated Yoga Poses, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Si Joint Stability In Marichyasana

The Sacrum, And The Muscles That Connect It To The Legs, Spine And Pelvis, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Sacrum

The Pelvic Floor Muscles, Helping To Stabilize The Si Joints (For Nutation And Counter Nutation), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Pelvic Floor Muscles

The Sacrotuberous Ligament, Si Stability Via Increased Ligament Tension, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Sacrotuberous Ligament

The Lumbar Multifidus, Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Lumbar Multifidus

The Lower Back Redefined, Redefining The Lower Back To Include The Sacrum, Si Joints, Hip Bones, And The Ribcage, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Lower Back Redefined

Low Back Stability, How Is The Lower Back Stabilized? Why Does It Matter?, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Stability

Low Back Pain, Yoga Teachers Get Low Back Pain Too, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Anatomy, Does Your Low Back Hurt In Forward Bends And Squats?, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain Anatomy

Low Back Pain And Fallen Arches, (And How To Fix Them Both), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain And Fallen Arches

The Ribcage, Ribcage Stability And Mobility For More Applicable Arm Strength, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Ribcage

Ribcage Mobility, The Importance Of The Abs, Intercostals, Spinal Erectors And More, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Ribcage Mobility

Walking With A Twist, Strengthen Your Mid Section, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Walking With A Twist

Upper Back Exercises For Yoga, Increase Awareness, Strengthen A Weak Upper Back, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Upper Back Exercises For Yoga

The Thoracolumbar Fascia (Tlf), Wifi For Your Spine, Arms And Legs, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Thoracolumbar Fascia (Tlf)

The Transverse Abdominis, A Tension Control Mechanism For Your Abs, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Transverse Abdominis

Transverse Abdominis Function, How The Three Parts Of The Muscle Help To Stabilize The Si Joints, Lumbo Sacral Joint, Thoracolumbar Junction And More., Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Transverse Abdominis Function

Transverse Abdominis Exercises, Isolating The Three Bands Of The Transverse Abdominis So That You Can Integrate Them, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Transverse Abdominis Exercises

Transverse Abdominis Training, Feeling Your Transverse Abdominis So You Can Train It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Transverse Abdominis Training

The Psoas, Understanding It, Stretching It, Feeling It And Using It., Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Psoas

Psoas Muscle Anatomy, The Psoas As A Lumbar Stabilizer, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Psoas Muscle Anatomy

Psoas Anatomy, Hip Flexion, Deeper Stretching, Preventing Lumbar Shear, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Psoas Anatomy

Psoas Major Anatomy, How The Psoas Connects To The 12Th Ribs And Kidneys, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Psoas Major Anatomy

Serratus Posterior Inferior, Anchoring The Lats And A Co Stabilizer For The Lower Ribcage, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Serratus Posterior Inferior

The Obliques And Intercostals, Shaping And Controlling Your Ribcage And Your Waist, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Obliques And Intercostals

Intercostal Muscles , For Ribcage Mobility And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Intercostal Muscles

Levator Costarum, Improve Back Rib Awareness, Mobility And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Levator Costarum

Respiratory Diaphragm, Learning To Feel And Control It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Respiratory Diaphragm

Spinal Anatomy, The Elements Of The Spine And The Muscles That Affect It, An Overview, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Spinal Anatomy

Your Spinal Column, Learning To Feel The Individual Vertebrae  And Learning To Control Them, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Your Spinal Column

An Exercise For Learning To Feel Your Spine, With A Focus On The Lumbar And Thoracic Spine As Well As The Pelvis And Ribs, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

An Exercise For Learning To Feel Your Spine

Spinal Erectors, Learn To Feel Them And Control Them, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Spinal Erectors

Spinal Back Bending Exercises, Anchoring Your Spinal Erectors And Using Them, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Spinal Back Bending Exercises

Shoulders And Arms, Improve Effectiveness: Distinguishing Shoulder, Ribcage, Arm Actions, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Shoulders And Arms

Shoulder Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Shoulder Blade Landmarks, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Shoulder Anatomy For Yoga Teachers

Shoulder Anatomy, The Rotator Cuff, Anatomy Trains And Tuned Tension, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Shoulder Anatomy

Activating The Latissimus Dorsai, Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Activating The Latissimus Dorsai

Pectoralis Minor, Anchoring The Front Of The Shoulder Blade Against Upward Pulling, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Pectoralis Minor

Serratus Anterior Muscle Awareness,  For Improved Body Awareness While Doing Yoga Poses, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Serratus Anterior Muscle Awareness

The Trapezius Muscle, Using It  With Arms Lifted (And Controlling It With The Arms Down), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

The Trapezius Muscle

Scapular Awareness Exercises, Getting A Better Feel For Your Shoulder Blades, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Scapular Awareness Exercises

Dealing With Wrist Pain In Crow Pose (Bakasana), , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Dealing With Wrist Pain In Crow Pose (Bakasana)

Elbow Joint Anatomy For Yoga Teachers, Stabilizing The Shoulders From The Ground Up, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Elbow Joint Anatomy For Yoga Teachers

Sensational Anatomy, Yoga Anatomy You Can Feel And Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sensational Anatomy

Learning To Feel Your Body, Working Within The Limits Of Short Term Memory, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Learning To Feel Your Body

Muscles Are Force Sensors, Muscles Need Opposition In Order To Function, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Muscles Are Force Sensors

Connective Tissue Tension, Passive Proprioception From Stretched Connective Tissue, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Connective Tissue Tension

Can Stretching Improve Proprioception?, Plus Other Methods For Improving Body Awareness, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Can Stretching Improve Proprioception?

Understanding Proprioception, A Quick Look, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Understanding Proprioception

Conscious Proprioception, Learning To Better Feel Your Body And Control It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Conscious Proprioception

Proprioception And Change, Proprioception, Control And The Importance Of Knowing, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Proprioception And Change

Concepts Of Tai Chi For Yoga And Life , Finding Balance, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Concepts Of Tai Chi For Yoga And Life

Why Improve Body Awareness?, Becoming Your Own Mechanic, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Why Improve Body Awareness?

Developing Full Body Awareness, A Flexible Approach To Learning To Feel (And Control) Your Body, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Developing Full Body Awareness

Anatomy As A Guide To Body Awareness, How Anatomy Can Help You To Talk With Your Body, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Anatomy As A Guide To Body Awareness

How Far Should You Push Into Discomfort?, , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

How Far Should You Push Into Discomfort?

Yoga Pose Brush Strokes, Tips For Breaking Yoga Poses Down Into Meaningful Elements, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Yoga Pose Brush Strokes

Yoga For Lazy People, Learning To Feel Is For The Lazy (And The Intelligent), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Yoga For Lazy People

Anatomy For Muscle Control, Understanding Your Body Via Muscle Control And Proprioception, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Anatomy For Muscle Control

Gaining Agency Through Muscle Control
Flicking The Switch To Access Sensation And Control

Experiencing Your Anatomy, Helping You To Better Feel And Control Your Body While Doing Yoga, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Experiencing Your Anatomy

Muscle Control Basics, It's Not Just Contracting Your Muscles, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Muscle Control Basics

Muscle Control Principles, Interactions Of Muscle Control, Proprioception And Joint Lubrication, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Muscle Control Principles

Muscle Control And Proprioception, Getting A Deeper Experience Of Your Body, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Muscle Control And Proprioception

Inner Body And Outer Body Tensegrity
How Joint Tensegrity Is Maintained

Tensegrity Basics, Tuning Tension For Proprioception And Responsiveness, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Tensegrity Basics

Fluid Tensegrity Joint Anatomy, How Joint Tensegrity Gives Us Freedom To Do Tensegrity Free Poses, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Fluid Tensegrity Joint Anatomy

Adding Bigness To Your Yoga Poses, Lessons From Social Dance Applied To Yoga, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Adding Bigness To Your Yoga Poses

Creating Tensegrity In Yoga Poses, Creating Tensegrity In Yoga Poses, A Balance Of Space And Tension , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Creating Tensegrity In Yoga Poses

Knee Pain And Other Knee Problems, Why It Can Start Start With Your Abs (Transverse Abdominis), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Knee Pain And Other Knee Problems

It Band Knee Pain (Outer Knee Pain), Heel Stabilization For It Band Knee Pain While Squatting , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

It Band Knee Pain (Outer Knee Pain)

Medial Collateral Ligament Pain, Using Muscle Control, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Medial Collateral Ligament Pain

Sartorius And Inner Knee Pain While Running, , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sartorius And Inner Knee Pain While Running

Biceps Femoris, Outer Hamstring Pain, Alleviating Hamstring Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Biceps Femoris, Outer Hamstring Pain

Sitting Bone Pain, In Forward Bending Yoga Poses And What You Can Do About It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sitting Bone Pain

Sacrotuberous Ligament Pain, Dealing With Sitting Bone And Sacrotuberous Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Sacrotuberous Ligament Pain

Anterior Hip Pain, Dealing With Hip Pain That Occurs Near The Asic, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Anterior Hip Pain

Hip Pain In Standing Forward Bends, Taking A Step Back To Figure Out How To Fix A Gimpy Hip, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Pain In Standing Forward Bends

Hip Flexor Pain While Walking, Along With Same Side Knee Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Flexor Pain While Walking

Hip Joint Pain, Three Simple Actions For Alleviating Hip Joint Pain While Doing Yoga , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Hip Joint Pain

Low Back Pain, Yoga Teachers Get Low Back Pain Too, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Anatomy, Does Your Low Back Hurt In Forward Bends And Squats?, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain Anatomy

Low Back Pain And Fallen Arches, (And How To Fix Them Both), Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Low Back Pain And Fallen Arches

Standing Exercises For Low Back Pain, Muscle Control Options For Dealing With Low Back Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Standing Exercises For Low Back Pain

Yoga Postures For Back Pain, A Series Of Gentle Postures To Help Relieve Low Back Pain, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Yoga Postures For Back Pain

Dealing With Wrist Pain In Crow Pose (Bakasana), , Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Dealing With Wrist Pain In Crow Pose (Bakasana)

Improve Your Posture, Spinal Awareness For Better Breathing And Better Posture, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Improve Your Posture

Exercises To Fix Your Posture, Going From Slouch To Zero Slouch, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Exercises To Fix Your Posture

Fixing Forward Head Posture, Simple (And Comfortable) Exercises For Improving Posture, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Fixing Forward Head Posture

Tech Neck, Text Neck And How To Avoid Them Both, A Simple Exercise That Helps You To Improve Awareness So That It's Easier To Improve Your Head And Neck Posture, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Tech Neck, Text Neck And How To Avoid Them Both

Locust Pose For Text Neck, Strengthening The Back Of The Neck To Counterbalance Bad Posture From Excessive Phone And Computer Use, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Locust Pose For Text Neck

Winged Scapula, And How To Prevent It, Neil Keleher, Sensational yoga poses

Winged Scapula

by: Neil Keleher
Published: 2022 02 21

Neil Keleher

Hi, I'm Neil Keleher.

I have a degree in Systems Design engineering. Before that I served in the British army for five years. My main job was fixing guns.

I've been teaching yoga for about twenty two years now. I also do a lot of programming in python and node.js.

One of my other main projects is studying Chinese, but it's been hold while I developed tools to make studying easier. One of those is a Chinese character dictionary and the other is a Chinese word and phrase dictionary.

Both include a lookup system for Chinese characters that is foreigner friendly and that I'm proud to say that I designed.

Clearly defined poses, exercises and stretches for improving stability, body awareness and flexibility.
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