Yoga for Beginners 2
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Building up from the material in Yoga for Beginners 1, this ebook yoga course includes a simple yoga training routine to help you learn to stabilize your body while doing simple pushing actions.
Stability Gives you Better Control
Whether trying to improve flexibility or strength of just gain better control of your body, stability is the most important quality for controlling your body intelligently.
You got a taste of stability in yoga for beginners 1. In this book you learn how to stabilize your body using variations of the same technique.
With different ways of creating stability you can employ a flexible approach to doing any yoga pose.
Knowing how to create stability, you can then work on other aspects of your yoga poses.
This is Not Suitable for You If:
The exercises in this ebook are suitable for most levels of flexibility.
If you can't sit upright with your legs straight in front of you, then this program may not be suitable for you.
If you can at least sit upright then you can use the standing and sitting exercises in this routine to better feel and control your body.
You can learn to feel when part of your body is active and when part of it is relaxed, and you can enjoy the experience of actually feeling and controlling these changes.
Your Flexibility May Improve
In some cases, the exercises in this book may help you improve flexibility.
This is impossible to guarantee though.
You can maximize the possibility of improving flexibility simply by focusing on feeling your body, by noticing the changes in tension or muscle action in your legs and/or arms as you do these exercises.
And the instructions in this book help you direct your senses so that you can get better at feeling and controlling your body.
If, once you get the basic instructions for each exercise, you focus on activating and relaxing smoothly and slowly, you'll be more likely to actually notice what is happening in your body. You may notice when your muscles relax more allowing you to go deeper into a pose. And that is something that can be guaranteed. If you do these exercises slowly and smoothly, and focus on feeling your body, you can deepen your body awareness. And you may find that your yoga practice becomes more enjoyable as a result.
As a beginner, the better you can learn to feel your body and control it, the better you can make smart choices with respect to what to do in any yoga pose.
Included Extras
As well as an ebook (in pdf, epub and mobi formats) this product includes part 4 of the Extreme Stability Video routine. This material builds up on what is included in the ebook and in total you then have two possible routines to practice.
The video shows you how to apply different pushing techniques for better body awareness and control in downward dog, chaturanga (yoga push up) and locust pose.
It also includes some of the latest instructions that I use in teaching crow pose.
This instruction focuses on pressure sensitivity and weight shifting so instead of just learning to do the pose, you learn to use it to feel your body and how you can feel and change your relationship with the earth.
Why include part of a video series with an ebook?
Basically, video gives you another point of view of the exercises. And instead of reading about the exercises you can see how I actually do them. And of course, it's so you might be interested enough to buy the whole video.
With the extremity activations (calf, knee, forearm and elbows) you learn in the video you have another technique for exploring your yoga poses.
For what may be a limited time only, you can buy the entire Extreme Stability video (there are Four parts) with this package for only an extra $10. The videos are downloadable in MP4 format or they can be streamed.
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Buy: Yoga for Beginners 2 ($24.00)(with full video: $34.00)
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Once you've ordered, you'll be able to download this book in pdf, epub or mobi format (you get access to all three formats for one price!)
If you have any problems use the contact form to get in touch with me.
You can also buy it as part of Beginners Package 1 which includes:
Buy Beginners Package 1 ($32.00)
Or order Beginners Package 1 directly on the gumroad page.